Watermelon Nights

by Kayden Vargas

We glance
At the other
In the moonlight
Reflecting the seasons
Of our many years
We cannot count
On only two hands
The fall is becoming
The winter, an undoing
The spring, a renewing
The summer, for reaping
We harvest what
We spend our lives
Sowing and growing
Over these years
Of wondering
Will we make it?
Loving you is breezy
Watermelon nights
Dripping down these thighs
You lick up
The taste of me like
Each and every bite
Like coconut ice cream
Like a nap
In the middle of

Dr. Kayden Vargas (they/them) is a trans nonbinary poet, parent, and psychologist living and loving and learning on the homelands of the Yakama Nation. They have recent publications with The SunKith Books, and others. They are Washington born and raised, and their first love was and always will be the Columbia River.

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