two stumps in a clearcut

by Dustin Micheletti

in an infinite orchard
the trees embraced
limbs entwined blossoms kissing

as seedlings no care but sunshine
as saplings desires upon wind’s mercy
many seasons had passed

and the pair grew close
roots in communion bark caressing
fruit borne together sapping life for new

fire scarred drought stunted
yet peace was made with pestilence
and survival made proud

maybe too much so
occasionally parting for perspective
bending away in the breeze then

swaying back into fresh harmony
they always found the song
while dreams lasted

Dustin Micheletti (he/they) and poetry have been casting flirtatious glances at each other for decades. An avid friend to nature and the oppressed, sometimes artist and author, dedicated to his chosen family. Bellingham via Portland. Find his most recent work in UnevengroundCorridorpoetrywatch, and in this year’s Poetry Postcard Fest.

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